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The Holistic Hound is a local dog training business servicing the Perth Metro Region and specialising in behaviour modification. We take a holistic approach to dog training and aim to change the way you communicate and live with your dog in order to improve the freedom you have together in real world situations.

My name is Lorri and I run the Holistic Hound - I’ve worked with dogs full time since 2013 and owned multiple rescues with behavioural issues myself. After adopting my first dog, Bundy, and realising he had a multitude of problems I had no idea how to fix, I turned to local trainers, but I was frustrated with the lack of support given as well as the lack of flexibility when it came to helping the individual dog at hand. After studying modern, balanced dog training methods and techniques in depth I now use that knowledge to help others who may be in the same position I was. We cater for all breeds, sizes and ages and attack any problem you may be struggling with.

We offer private, in-home sessions to rehabilitate your dogs issues where they happen, and we don’t just train your dog within the private session, we teach you the essentials to be able to continue with a whole new lifestyle and language to ensure improvement of your dogs issues, complete with full support whenever you need it both during the training and for the dogs lifetime thereafter.

We are constantly learning and expanding our knowledge when it comes to dogs and can promise that we will try any method that is best for the dog in front of us (every dog is different!), and give you all the information and instruction we possibly have to be able to work you through any struggles you’re experiencing.

Our objective is to provide a professional and supportive environment for you and your dog to thrive as a team. Feel free to contact us if you are experiencing behavioural problems with your dog, for more information on the services we offer, suburbs we cover and prices of our private sessions contact us or send us a message on our Facebook Page.

About us
Helper Dogs


When you book a program with me you often start working initially around my helper dogs - mainly Glory & Ferris, and sometimes Bane for something different.

BUNDY, The Original "Holistic Hound"  (PASSED) 15/10/12 - 22/6/24
Bundy, my main man. Bun was a GSD mix and my first dog. I owned him since 4 months old, and he was the reason I started working with dogs (keep reading for more info!). He was my best friend & the first dog I ever rehabilitated. Bundy was my main helper dog for socialisation. He was confident, had a presence about him yet showed balance in social interaction. 

Bun unfortunately suffered from a degenerative disorder (Degenerative Myelopathy, very common in GSD's and GSD x's) that meant over time, he was losing more and more control over the back end of his body. He was such a happy and strong boy till the end, he loved a snuggle or a visit to the beach, and sometimes he would come to work just to say hello to some of my clients! 


Sadly, in June of 2024, after helping hundreds of dogs, countless pieces of cheese and hundreds of hours of snugs, we said goodbye to this amazing boy. Life won't be the same, but his legacy will live on in my business as the original Holistic Hound.

Bane is a 7 year old Belgian Malinois. He is crazy loco, especially for his frisbee. Bane helps as a decoy dog for the business and rarely as a social helper (though, he isn't a social butterfly and normally prefers to do his own thing and have a sniff!). He trains in a sport called Mondio with my partner for genetic fulfilment and is a beautiful, sweet natured boy wrapped up in a sharp, intense and confident package. He LOVES saying hi to little dogs, eating pillows and playing.

Glory is a 3.5 year old Field Springer Spaniel - she is a little savage, a LOT crazy, confident as hell with environmentals, but at the same time has a lovely soft, curious yet cautious nature when interacting with dogs. When it comes to socialisation she is my soft little marshmallow dog who tends to help frightened dogs come out of their shell. For fun & fulfillment Glory and I train obedience and scentwork - which she both loves and is a natural at. You'll catch her running around in circles or chasing her ball most days. 

Ferris is a 1.5 year old Field Springer Spaniel and newest member to the team! He is almost a fully fledged helper as at March 2024, but we still have a few things to refine up. So far though, he is the perfect addition and has taken over Buns spot incredibly well. I got Ferris from the same breeder as Glory but had a very different temperament in mind - I needed a confident, resilient boy to join the pack and learn from Bun - so far he has been nothing short of perfect for the job so I can't wait to see how he matures further.








The Birth of The Holistic Hound (written 14th August 2017)

"I want you to know that I used to be just like you. I want you to know that this business was created out of being where you are RIGHT NOW. Meet my dog Bundy.

Growing up, I had always wanted a dog, but my parents were not really into the idea, we had family cats instead. Soon after I turned 18, I thoug
ht "right, I'm an adult now and I can make my own decisions - #1 - get a dog!" And get a dog I did.

I adopted Bundy from a local dog rescue group, an energetic, happy go lucky GSD x Mastiff at 4 months old. I thought he was perfect, this was my new best friend. He was described by the rescue group as "good with cats" (which was important as we has a male family cat at the time) and "good on lead" and "a smart boy who was eager to please." Perfect.

The dog I got home in February of 2012 was 1 of these 3 things. I'll let you take a stab at which.

At 4 months old, directly after he came home with me, he attacked my cat. He tried to break into my rabbit hutch. He took me for walks around the block. He jumped at mine and my families faces. He counter surfed. Anytime I left the house he had to be shut outside or shut inside my room away from my cat. Our house was split in 2. My mum wanted him gone.

I thought to myself, "I can do this, just gotta do some research and get the help of some trainers!"
The information I found was of little help, and the 2 trainers methods I tried were of even less help. I was tired; I had spent money I didn't have and my dog was the same, if not WORSE.

Let's fast forward to Bundy at 10 months old, 6 months of struggling (so far) for me and my family. My adorable Mastiff x, 35kg boy was a bulldozer on the lead, the type of dog that doesn't stop pulling from the minute you clip that lead on to the minute you get home. He made me cry. He had leash reactivity, he was an insane fence fighter, cat aggression, epic prey drive, no impulse control, he pulled me to the ground on more than 1 occasion, he split a lead clean in half to get to a cat (and almost did).

I tried 2 different body harnesses. I tried 2 different head harnesses. I tried a correction chain. I tried treats and distraction exercises. I tried slip leads.

He caused fights with other dogs from his bad manners, and he bit another dog through a fence resulting in the dog needing stitches.

Complete nonsense right? This is not what I pictured having a dog would be like. This is not what anyone pictures having a dog is like. But it's all too common.

He had this array of problems that I didn't know how to control, but what else did he have? A HUGE lack of boundaries, structure, and leadership. He lacked respect for his leader (me) but it wasn't his fault - I wasn't being a good leader! I had no idea what he needed, or how to communicate efficiently with him, or set routine to his life. I didn't know what I was doing wrong and I was tired. And Bundy was frustrated & out of control.

Then I found balanced training methods through a Perth based company. I learned how to communicate with my dog the way he understands, and I learned how setting boundaries and implementing structure would form a sense of security for him. He improved so much.

I then started working for them as a kennel hand and trainer and gained invaluable experience, as well as this I started up my own dog wash, dog walking & pet sitting business. On the side to all this I would spend ALL my spare time branching off and educating myself on dog training, doing hours of theory work and then getting practicial from my own dogs and my dog walk clients - you could call me dog training obsessed, I couldn't get enough of it, I still can't! And I started implementing this training on my dog walking clients and my own dogs and seeing the results. I started working with my dog walk clients owners, and saw them get results.

And out of this came The Holistic Hound.

Bundy now comes to work with me most days (yes, with other dogs and many distractions!) and is a pleasure to have the company of."

Bundy & I, 2017, when I first opened the business & wrote the above post.


Bundy & I, 2024 - His last photoshoot


Forever my boy, forever my number 1 Bun. 
Forever my best friend. 

Forever The Holistic Hound. 

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