Hey legend, welcome to the HH Fam!

Here you can find access to all my online content to compliment your in person training, plus all forms, payment details etc.
For Group Class dates and locations, please refer to the client group, the Calendar linked to the left here or contact me directly. You can do this via:
Text/Whatsapp: 0400 064 191
Email: lorri@holistichounddogtraining.com
Or click here to visit my Facebook page & message me there.
Please msg me again if you don't hear back as soon as you need.
these are up to date as of December 2024
Please be sure to read the Group Class Safety Protocols linked ABOVE before attending any group classes.
Dog Walkers/trainers to supplement your program
Cat @ Rebellious K9
Rebellious K9 Website
Rebellious K9 Facebook Page
Sarah @ Pursuit Of Woof
Hayley @ Madpaws
Richard @ Madpaws
ACCT NAME: The Holistic Hound
Acct #: 328547964
BSB: 257019
PayID: lfonte@hnry.co
If you need to pay via credit card, let me know and I can send you an invoice with card option. This does incur a small fee.
Amy @ Pretty Paws Pet Services
Pretty Paws Facebook Pageprettypawsk9@outlook.com
additional content & booklets
More online content
Trouble viewing this online content? Feel free to contact me.